Introduction to Co-operatives

This free online course introduces you to the world of co-operatives, a unique kind of business that gives individuals and communities the power to decide how they meet their own needs and aspirations. In Canada, four out of every ten Canadians are a member of at least one co-operative. However, many Canadians don’t really understand what co-ops are and how they work.
Introduction to Co-operatives is free to take and you can work through the modules at your own pace. The course takes about 6 weeks to complete if you do one module per week and each module takes roughly 2 - 3 hours to complete.
Learn more or enrol here:
Good Governance Matters

This free online course explores what governance is, why organizations need governance, and what governance looks like in a co-operative.
Good Governance Matters helps you understand what good governance is and the three key things that make it function: working well together, creating a successful view of the future, and building legitimacy. You will be introduced to governance challenges that co-ops face, and ideas and tools for overcoming them to build a better co-op.
The course is free to take and you can work through the modules at your own pace. The course takes about 6 weeks to complete if you do one module per week and each module roughly takes 2 - 3 hours to complete.
Learn more or enrol here:
Co-ops in Canada

This free online course explores the fundamental aspects of co-operatives, people's motivations to start a co-op and how is the process to created them. It also delves into co-ops' significant influence on the Canadian economic landscape.
The course has 6 modules and it roughly takes 3 hours to complete. You can work through the modules at your own pace! In case you may be interested, this course also have a version in French.
Learn more or enrol here: