Usask Library and Special Collections
The primary objective of the University Archives and Special Collections is safeguarding and ensuring access to valuable records. This includes a diverse range of materials such as books, journals, manuscripts, archival colections, and rare printed items. The special collection plays a crucial role in protecting the historical narrative around co-operatives.
Explore the history and impact of co-operatives at the Special Collection section in the library of the University of Saskatchewan!
Portail Co-op
PortailCoop provides access to a vast repository with thousands of documents in 29 languages from 75 countries on a single, dynamic platform.
Developed by the Institut international des coopératives Alphonse-et-Dorimène-Desjardins (IICADD) of HEC Montréal, PortailCoop is dedicated to fostering the accesibility, growth and dissemination of knowledge concerning co-operatives and mutuals.
Beyond accesing a collection that allows you to delve into a century of history, PortailCoop also offers services for hosting and archiving content. Submitting individual files is free!
Access the platform here: PortailCoop
Blog Archive
The Canadian Centre for the Study of Co-operatives Blog archive past talks where participants explore the dynamic world of co-ops and exchange information in a casual setting.
Principles of effective governance in co-operatives and the role of co-ops rural and agricultural settings are among the categories highlighted in the blog.
Explore the Blog!